Sunday, December 23, 2012

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Their inside pass back the intelligence point of view, the troops coca near Chajia the already entered the highest state of alert, and the normal trade routes between the two countries has also been temporarily closed! The two countries, they are not allowed to intervention star deep! events, results, I think there must be very exciting! Since enter coca Ke Qiang has been considered a problem, that is, my lord Why enter Xing Yuan Is it just to open the waterway? Above heart Sike strong Guessing, but he was clear that, for the time being can not in imperial development, they need strong only outward expansion, Xing Yuan was exactly such an excellent base, complex environment allows troops to not be found, and you can also take a sudden blow any connection star Yuan.
Since there are so many benefits, that lord seize star deep certainly have referred to, although not exactly know the answer, but looking for every opportunity to undermine the strength of the neighboring countries, the best choice for the future and lay a good foundation. Mouth exposed end in a smile lost huge galaxies Ke Qiang open.
11 galaxies, the two countries only and wind the same card are backed by star clouds,cheap mens basketball shoes, there are around three neighboring countries, but because of the star Yuan lineage relationship, the three neighboring countries looks distance very far away, which also Ke Qiang realize their dreams, to provide the best conditions!
Forces group, each group in addition to the original configuration, the other in the allocation of ten mothership and one hundred Mammoth All forces all into Jammu, the raids and coca bordering two galaxies, told troops the two capitals galaxy necessary ventured deep only task is to create fear annihilate each other's vital forces. sent two detachments constantly provocative coca forces, no matter what approach should be to lead them to the two galaxy. echoed in the throat like a beast.
Xing Yuan other end, commercial combined fleet.
Filled with the wreckage of the whole star field looked back star Yuan looked deep center, Robert hearts trace ominous as the universe transport company commander of the escort business, Robert the perfect performance out

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